
"Education is an ornament in prosperity and refuge in adversity" - Aristotle "The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention."   ~ Oscar Wilde             Volunteering isn't anything like that old cliché goes - "contributing or paying back to the society". It is way different from what a commoner thinks. Volunteering soothes the soul bringing comfort, solace and reassurance to the one who puts forth all the effort, synchronising the mind and the heart and connecting for the cause.             I’d been teaching in my younger days before taking up a job in the school text publishing industry, working with publishers of repute for over a quarter century, and interacting with 500 plus educationists serving in institutions across more than a score of cities spread throughout India. Volunteering is something that I did for the first time only after getting motivation from my cinematographer daughter and my nemophilist and environmenta